
The Tree of Life Success Series focuses on three main areas of growth:



Tree of Life views success as a critical part of health and well-being, without which our confidence suffers. We teach participants how to create a lifestyle of success, which leads to consistent, easy, and amplified achievement. 


Beyond our basic needs, we have an opportunity to experience our highest potential. Tree of Life participants aim to be their best and create from a place of deep clarity and fulfillment, often making a positive impact in the world. 


Tree of Life offers a non-dogmatic, non-religious spiritual philosophy perspective that helps participants expand their work in the world and experience emotions like love, happiness, and peace in a powerful new way.

The Secret of FLOW

Begin your journey with a free audio workshop: Discover several of Tree of Life’s key concepts right away in this life-changing guide. Learn how to build a life you enjoy while becoming immensely productive.

Perfect for: Anyone new to Tree of Life; clients of Tree of Life; those who enjoy audiobooks about personal growth, philosophy and spirituality, or high performance.

When: Available for listening RIGHT NOW! Free

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The Business P.A.C.K.

Join the P.A.C.K. for Prosperous, Awake, Committed & Kind creators. Join a community of great people (who happen to have great businesses or creative talents) for twelve weeks of exponential growth.

Perfect for: New or seasoned business owners who are highly motivated for growth; 1:1 coaching clients that own businesses; creative professionals such as actors, musicians, & photographers; service based professionals; MLM entrepreneurs; business owners that dislike marketing and sales.

When: The 2021 P.A.C.K. Begins on August 6th.

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Transform yourself with Tree of Life’s Wisdom Alliance. Get the very best transformational guidance through a small group coaching program designed to accelerate personal and professional growth easily, joyously, and powerfully.

Perfect for: Those who aspire to self actualization or those who have achieved it; philosophically and spiritually gifted people; passionate people with big dreams; anyone who IS the high achiever or advisor or listener in their world, who wants to experience what it’s like to be listened to and supported, just like they do for everyone else.

When: The recent session of EVOLVE began on February 5th, 2024. Look for another session in 2025.

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STAR Circle

Star Circle: Tree of Life’s VIP Inner Circle Mastermind. The Star Circle is an exclusive business coaching network for inspired & big-hearted people who are ready to create the impossible. Learn advanced lessons of success and share together in a network of experts unlike any you’ve known before.

Perfect for: Seasoned business owners that have a non-competitive world view and a passion for their work. Self-employed or service based professionals who are used to being the boss, who are ready to benefit from a team.

When: The 2022 STAR Circle is Now Forming.

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The FREEDOM Project

Resources for Coaches, Teachers, Trainers, & Consultants. Tree of Life teaches coaches how to convert passion to profit, and profit to freedom.

Perfect for: Coaches, trainers, teachers, and consultants who dislike sales and marketing. 

When: The Webinar is Now Available for Free. The Course began March 11th, 2024. The Alchemy of Coaching can be purchased on-demand.

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Tree of Life 1:1

Experience Transformational Coaching. Work directly with Amisha for an entire year to learn what you’re truly capable of in career, life, play, and beyond.

Perfect for: Anyone that is ready for Amisha’s fully focused attention, knowing that individual coaching work will lead to profound positive change.

When: Waitlist – Please inquire by calling (401) 285-7307.

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Lexi Duddenhoeffer​
Lexi Duddenhoeffer​Nutritionist (Atlanta, GA)
When I began working with Amisha, my dream was to create independence and personal wealth beyond my limitations. I have since (in less than 3 months) changed jobs to a much better and more profitable situation, dissolved a bad relationship, and gained a home for myself and my children. COMFORTABLY! Amisha is enlightening and she has immense wisdom to share. I absolutely recommend working with her and even joining into the communities of groups that are drawn to her.
Magnus Petterson
Magnus PettersonEntrepreneur, Knife-Aid (Santa Monica, CA)
I had more progress in a month than I have had with the same issues during the last year. Amisha provides miracles, and instead of hand holding you during the process, she just nudges you a little when you get off track. The feeling you get in the end when it all falls in place is that you did it yourself, which gives you a feeling of great accomplishment.
Jonathan Mputu, Esq.
Jonathan Mputu, Esq.Attorney, WME-IMG Endeavor (Los Angeles, CA)
The tools, skills, and techniques that Amisha teaches her clients to use are both easy to learn and instantaneously effective. I had more clarity about what I needed to do in order to make my goals more attainable, as well as the starting tools I needed to take the next step in achieving them. I’m excited for the opportunity to continue to work with Amisha in the future and recommend ALL people to use her services regardless of what your life goals are. ​
Katie Hussong
Katie HussongDiamond Wellness Advocate, doTERRA (Baltimore, MD)
Amisha has a special energy and presence about her that feels almost therapeutic in and of itself. At the same time, she's real, she teaches with clarity and conviction, and the practices she's shared will stay with me far beyond our time together. I am so grateful. I'm looking forward to honing my skills, and I'm already excited for more of my team members to experience her programs.
Begin your journey here.

Discover several of Tree of Life’s foundational concepts right away in this life-changing audio workshop. Learn how to build a life you enjoy AND be up to 100 times more productive.

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Download The Secret of Flow



It is my gift to you. 


In this workshop, you’ll learn:


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