I love getting notes like the one I got this morning:

Dudet! Brother & I just landed one of our biggest gigs yet. I give credit the positive vibes & energy that we brought on the pitch to our success here. And where did this optimistic outlook stem from?..dear Amisha, that’s who

I had no idea that this is how you spell “dudet”! And the excitement was palpable… I was smiling ear to ear when I saw this.

Now, this note gave me some of the credit… but really it was within these two wonderful folks all along, entirely and completely, without me. I was just the messenger. I’m like the little reminder notification that pops up on your phone because life is easier when you have funny sounding notifications popping up. Once you know me, you know this is true: I remind you about who you really are.

I have learned that we all need a tiny, little bit of support in reclaiming what was already ours: a life of love and a life of accomplishment.

We change when we love, and we change when we engage with good reason. The combination of love and good reasons is enough to get us moving in the direction we belong in.

That’s because, there is no truth without love. Love is the confirmation.

Most theories of knowledge assume emotion creates bias; it preferences something called “objective truth”, which is dispassionate. I do not agree. I believe knowledge that’s unchecked by emotion – that doesn’t gain the approval of our hearts – has caused some of the worst atrocities of history. Love double-checks our thinking… it is just as much a fan of good reason as the Judge & Jury of Logic and Reason are, yet it disallows ideas that are crafty but not quite aligned.

What’s the “positive outlook” I was credited for? It was simply the perception of a type of truth that’s supported by the heart.

I loved seeing this note because, to me, success is a primary indicator of overall health. A person with healthy thoughts, healthy feelings, and overall well-being succeeds frequently. This is why success is so important to me. Not because I care that everyone accumulates more money, fame, and stuff.  What I care about is people’s relationship to freedom, their ability to live a life they truly want, and that they experience mental, emotional, physical, and philosophical or spiritual satisfaction.

So how do you get to that place of ultimate well-being? Studying success… being aware of the mechanisms and reasons that guide us to a preferred life. Studying love… becoming more emotionally open and awake, to the point that clarity is possible. Being resistant to low-quality truth and open only to what makes sense. Any guiding principles that are limiting and cause us to feel unworthy or unfree have go to go.

If you don’t yet have a success practice to turn to, I offer an amazing success workshop for free download on the main site. Check it out… I hope you enjoy it.

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